nmap -v -sn $IP ..Pings
nmap -v -sn ..Pings
nmap -sV -A -oA nmap -p 22,80 $IP ..Version Scripts Outs
nmap -p0-65535 -Pn -sT $IP ..All TCP NoPing
nmap -p0-65535 -Pn -sU $IP ..All UDP NoPing
nmap -A -sT -T4 -Pn -oA nmap $IP ..NSE/Def TCP Fast Outs NoPing
nmap -Pn --script vuln $IP ..vul/cve NoPing
wget -q --server-response https://$IP
dirb $IP
dirb http://$IP/admin -w ..to follow other paths
gobuster dir -u http://$IP -w ..directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
gobuster dir -u https://$IP --noprogress --wordlist ..medium.txt -k
gobuster dir -u https://$IP -w ..medium.txt -k -x php,txt,bak,conf
gobuster dir -u http://$IP/cgi-bin/ -x sh,cgi,pl,py,php -w ..
gobuster -e -u 10.x.x.x:443 -w ..medium.txt -t 50 -o gobuster.log
gobuster dir -u http://$IP/admin -w ..
nikto -host http://$IP ..might find LFI
nikto -host http://$IP/mypage/index.php
python cmsmap.py -t https://$IP -f W -F --noedb ..try this!!
wpscan --url https://$IP
wpscan --url https://$IP --disable-tls-checks
wpscan --url https://$IP/wp/ --enumerate p
wpscan --url https://$IP -U elliot --passwords pw.dic
searchsploit linux kernel 2.6.32 priv esc
searchsploit -x 41006.txt ..read/explain docs/poc
searchsploit -m 40839.c ..download the exploit
LFI Scans:
python fi-cyberscan.py -t http://$IP/cyber.php?page= -m1
fimap -u $IP ..in kali
logme () { export SCRIPTFILE="$(date +%s)-${$}" echo "Starting tty logging to ~/scripts/${SCRIPTFILE}..." script -c /bin/bash -q "~/scripts/${SCRIPTFILE}" } scriptfile () { echo "${SCRIPTFILE}"; }
sudo python3 autorecon.py $IP -o /home/beep/