Web Scrape



  • Check list of Hosts for Websites and take Screenshot:

    • aquatone

    • cat hosts.txt | aquatone -out ~/lab/aqua/

    • aquatone_report.html

  • CutyCapt - pull screenshots from a website

> cutycapt --url=https://pentest.mxhx.org/ --out=mxhx.png 

View Tons of Webpages - Grab and Compile

  • Quickly view tons of webpages

    • Nmap open webports on a network

    • Loop the IP's through cutycapt to png

    • Create html and link/view all png

> sudo nmap -A -p80 --open 10.x.x.x/24 -oG results
> cat results | grep 80 | grep -v "Nmap" | awk '{print $2}'
> for i in $(cat results | grep 80 | grep -v "Nmap" | awk '{print $2}'); do cutycapt --url=$i --out=$i.png;done

> cat htmlshot.sh
echo "<HTML><BODY><BR>" > web.html
ls -1 *.png | awk -F : '{ print $1":\n<BR><IMG SRC=\""$1""$2"\" width=600><BR>"}' >> web.html
echo "</BODY></HTML>" >> web.html

> chmod +x ./htmlshot.sh
> ./htmlshot.sh
> firefox web.html

Last updated