Email SMTP
Read emails
Send email with telnet
SMTP: 25
Bonus: Inject a php exploit.. you will need an LFI to read/execute it though
REF: PBX-PhpEmailExploit
sendmail with attachment
Instead of telnet, EHLO, blah blah...
Send a Reverse shell php
execute and connect
LFI Execution Example (for after you've sent the evil email)
If you have a user/pass, you can open thunderbird to browser emails
You might find a password that you could use for SSH too!! REF: solidstateHTB
James Server 2.3.2
Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server (JAMES)
Open source SMTP and POP3 mail transfer agent and NNTP news server
Default Login: root:root
Connect and Reset user-email password
Then use Thunderbird email to look for clues
James Server Exploit 2.3.2 (RCE)
35513 will get you a full-shell
Default login: root/root
Must have a working ssh login user/pass (limited is ok)
Need to update the payload for reverse-connect
Will add a weird user account: ../../../etc/bash_completion.d
Sends email to our 'weird' user-directory
When anybody logs into ssh, we will get execution
Yes, you need an ssh login already.. but if its limited it wont do much
This will get you a full-shell, instead of a limited
Next step is to look for PrivEsc !!
Last updated
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