Local File Inclusion (LFI)
AKA: Directory Traversal
Local File Inclusion
If your path looks like a file/folder.. you might find an LFI
Keep trying combinations until you find one.
Or google/searchsploit a known LFI
Automate LFI Enumeration/Discovery.
Good to add to the tool-belt when you're looking to see what sensitive files exists and are readable once you've found a LFI vulnerability. It also includes a Mode (ICE-Breaker) to scan a potential target using an encoded path traversal list - which helps in LFI discovery.
Whoami Home SSH:
Code exe with 'environ'
If you have access to 'environ' - you might have code execution
Burp > Repeater > /proc/self/environ
Fuzzing LFI
Burp > Intercept > Send to Intruder > Positions
Clear & Add: $attack$
REF: Fuzzing
RFI from LFI (php cookies)
If you can locate the 'session' cookies
You may be able to inject them into Burp Repeater to get an Execution
Directory Traversals
%00 ..URL-encoded
Adding a NULL BYTE will get rid of suffix (on older systems)
Works well in Perl and older versions of PHP (solved since 5.3.4)
Scenario: Server is adding .png automatically to your page
Netcat Tricks
Find all files on host.. send to remote
REF: ReverseShell, CharEvasion, LFI
Last updated
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